Meeting will be held Monday, March 3rd for the open positions.
HYAA board approved meeting minutes
Good Evening everyone!! HYAA is holding our annual elections on April 8th, 2024
January approved meeting minutes
HYAA Board Approved meeting minutes From November 6,2023 meeting
Please note the date change for the December meeting it will be on the second Monday for that month, December 11, 2023 starting at...
Approved meeting minutes from October 2, 2024 HYAA board meeting
Hooksett Youth Athletic Association Board meeting will begin at 7PM at the Hooksett Town Hall
The Hooksett Youth Athletic Association Board will meet on October 2, 2023 at 7PM.
Hooksett Youth Athletic Association approved board meeting minutes.
Donati Field (Football)
Cawley MS - Fields
Cawley MS - Gym
Donati Field - Track
Donati Field (Lower Softball)
Donati Field (Tee Ball)
Donati Field (Majors)
Donati Field (Minors)
Donati Field (Upper Softball)
Donati Field (Town Hall)
Hooksett Youth Athletic Association 35 Main St. Hooksett, New Hampshire 03106
Email: [email protected]